Mine Planning and Design

Mine Planning and Design: Orchestrating Efficient Strategies for Mineral Extraction in Open Pit and Underground Mines

At HETAMIS Ltd., our Mine Planning and Design division serves as a cornerstone in the realm of mineral extraction, catering adeptly to both open pit and underground mining operations. With an unwavering commitment to optimizing resource utilization, safety, and environmental stewardship, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that ensures the seamless arrangement of your mining activities

Our Comprehensive Mine Planning and Design Services Encompass

  1. Open Pit Mining:
  • Pit Design and Optimization: Utilize our cutting-edge technologies and industry expertise to craft open pit designs that maximize resource recovery, minimize waste generation, and ensure safe operations.
  • Bench and Ramp Design: We create strategically designed benches and ramps that facilitate efficient extraction and transportation of minerals while adhering to safety standards.
  1. Underground Mining:
  • Access and Shaft Design: Our experienced engineers design safe and efficient access points, including shafts, declines, and tunnels, crucial for productive underground mining.
  • Stope and Void Design: Employing advanced modeling techniques, we create intricate stope and void designs that harmonize productivity, safety, and mineral recovery.
  1. Resource Optimization:
  • Strategic Extraction Planning: Our experts formulate extraction strategies that align with geological complexities, ensuring optimal resource utilization and minimal dilution.
  • Scheduling and Sequencing: We develop detailed schedules and sequences that streamline operations, balancing production targets and machinery deployment.

Our Approach: Integrating Science, Technology, and Sustainability for Success

At HETAMIS Ltd., we blend scientific rigor, technological innovation, and sustainable practices to craft mine plans that stand as blueprints for success. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates seamlessly, merging geological insights, engineering acumen, and advanced software tools to develop holistic mining solutions.

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​

At HETAMIS, we have assembled a team of seasoned professionals who bring together a diverse array of skills, ranging from geology and engineering to environmental sciences and community engagement. This multidisciplinary approach empowers us to offer holistic solutions that span the entire mining lifecycle: