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Resource and Reserve Estimation

At HETAMIS Ltd. our Resource and Reserve Estimation Department stands as a beacon of accurate and meticulous determination of mineral resources, elevating your mining endeavours to their maximum potential. With a comprehensive suite of exploration services, we harness cutting-edge technologies and expert insights to drive your projects forward. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in a wide range of offerings, including field geological mapping and analysis, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mineral modelling, geochemistry and geophysics, exploration management, mineral audits and valuations, health and safety guidance during exploration, and program implementation.

Our Diverse Service Portfolio Encompasses:

  • Mineral Exploration: Uncover the hidden treasures beneath the Earth’s surface with our innovative mineral exploration services. Our expert geologists and advanced methodologies ensure that no stone is left unturned in your quest for valuable mineral resources.
  • Structural Geology: Gain a profound understanding of the geological architecture and structural complexities that shape your mineral deposits. Our structural geology services offer insights crucial for efficient extraction and mining operations.
  • GIS Data Integration: Leverage the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to seamlessly integrate and visualize diverse spatial data. This enables informed decision-making and empowers you with a holistic perspective of your mining assets.
  • Geological Modelling: Harness the potential of advanced geological modelling techniques to construct accurate 3D representations of your mineral deposits. These models serve as invaluable tools for resource estimation and optimizing extraction strategies.
  • Resource Estimation: Our rigorous resource estimation methodologies provide you with precise quantification of mineral resources. This critical information forms the foundation for effective project planning and resource management.
  • Feasibility Studies: Ensure the viability of your mining projects through comprehensive feasibility studies. We evaluate technical, economic, and environmental aspects to provide you with a clear roadmap towards successful project execution.

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​

At HETAMIS, we have assembled a team of seasoned professionals who bring together a diverse array of skills, ranging from geology and engineering to environmental sciences and community engagement. This multidisciplinary approach empowers us to offer holistic solutions that span the entire mining lifecycle: